Elevating Code Quality with Qodana
Elevating Code Quality with Qodana

Elevating Code Quality with Qodana

JetBrains IDEs have always been renowned for their powerful static code analysis supporting a wide range of languages. With the release of Qodana, we are unifying that knowledge in a central code quality platform that is working at the heart of every development process – your favorite CI/CD tool.
Triggered by a commit or pull request, Qodana can generate comprehensive analysis reports (SARIF) about all discovered code quality and security issues. Qodana makes those reports easily accessible, not only to a team of developers or QA engineers but also to security managers and legal/compliance departments.
In this talk, we will explore Qodana in the context of .NET projects and look at the integrations with different CI/CD providers. Your journey towards impeccable code quality begins here, and rest assured, you won't be disappointed.